Student Parking
The KCAL campus serves roughly 4,000 students from across Keller ISD. Most student parking is general and on a first-come-first-served basis. A limited number of spots have been set aside for seniors who wish to paint a spot. More information will be available in the coming weeks.
All KCA students should complete the following process to secure a parking pass for the 2024-2025 school year.
Complete the online KCA Parking Form by August 12th at 4:00 pm in order to receive a verification form for the first day of school.
Students, begin checking your KISD email on August 13th at 4:00pm for your verification form. Verification forms will be provided through email to students to use until parking passes have been received. Once you have received your verification email, proceed to the Keller ISD webstore to purchase your parking permit.
**No students can drive to KCA/KCAL without the parking permit verification and payment receipt in hand prior to arriving on campus. Verification letters should be displayed on your dashboard until you receive your parking permit.
KCA Parking Permits will cost $50 for the year and will allow students to park in the designated student parking on campus. Parking passes will be issued to students who have received their verification letter and have a KISD webstore payment receipt beginning on Monday, August 19th. Stations will be set up for students to get their parking permit hangers at lunch.
Please reference the below map for parking locations. All student parking locations are in green and staff/visitor parking are in blue.
Keller Collegiate Academy Parking Policy 2024 - 2025
Vehicles parked on KCA/KCAL property or designated KCA/KCAL parking sites are under the jurisdiction of KCA/KCAL. Students must purchase a KCA parking permit to be hung from the rearview mirror and visible to security prior to parking on KCA/KCAL property or designated KCA/KCAL parking sites. Lost or damaged permits incur the same fees as listed below:
Parking Permit for the Academic Year (fall and spring) $50
Parking Permit for 2nd Semester Only $25
According to local policy (FNF Local), Administrators may conduct searches of vehicles on school any time there is reasonable cause to do so. If a student refuses to give consent, the parents of the student will be called to gain consent. Refusal of consent will result in a loss of parking privileges and possible involvement of law enforcement.
A student has full responsibility for the security of his/her vehicle and must make certain it is locked and that the keys to the vehicle are not given to others. KCAL is NOT responsible for loss or damages which occur while vehicles are parked on school property or designated KCAL parking sites.
All students regardless of age, will be held responsible for any prohibited objects or substances, such as alcohol, tobacco products, drugs, weapons, etc. that are found in his/her car and will be subject to disciplinary action by Keller ISD, as well as possible involvement of law enforcement.
Parking permits will not be sold or issued with incomplete paperwork. The Parking Information Google Form must have all information completed. We must have accurate information for each parking permit sold.
Sharing of parking permits is not permitted and may result in the loss of parking privileges. The submission of fraudulent or incorrect vehicle identification information or driver’s license information may result in the revocation of parking privileges.
A student will not display any item on his/her vehicle which may be interpreted as offensive. The offensive nature of an object will be determined at the discretion of the KCAL administration.
**Any type of reckless driving (excessive speed, driving over curbs, etc.) on KCAL property or in KCAL designated parking lots at any time will result in automatic suspension of driving privileges. KCAL will NOT refund parking pass fees to students who have had driving privileges suspended.
Any student parked in a handicapped parking space (without a handicapped permit), teacher’s lot, visitor’s lot, striped area, fire lanes, or other unauthorized areas will be subject to having his/her vehicle immobilized (booted) or towed at owner’s expense, loss of parking privileges, and/or disciplinary actions.
If a vehicle is immobilized, a $25.00 removal fee will be charged. If a vehicle is immobilized because a student has not purchased a parking permit, the boot will not be removed until a permit is purchased and the removal fee is paid. Boots will be removed after the regular school day has ended. Vehicles that create safety or access problems may be towed, without warning, at the owner's expense.
The progression of disciplinary action is as follows:
1st Offense:
Sticker notifying of violation will be placed on the driver side window.
2nd Offense:
Vehicle immobilized, $25.00 removal fee and possible disciplinary action, Student may be banned from parking on KCAL property or designated KCAL parking sites for a period of time to be determined by an administrator.
Vehicles parked in Keller Collegiate Academy designated student parking lots are under the jurisdiction of Keller Collegiate Academy. Students must purchase a KCA parking permit, to be hung on the rearview mirror, visible to security, prior to parking in KCA designated student parking lots. Parking permit fees are listed below: